MCAT Advisory Club


We are a group of students who are determined to provide free advising and tutoring for the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) to pre-medical students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We have specific tutors for each section of the MCAT, who can help with explanations for MCAT specific questions, content clarification, test taking strategies, and overall study planning and scheduling.

The MCAT is an expensive, strenuous, and time-consuming experience: we want to be a resource to you all throughout this process. We hope to be an RSO that will support the many Pre-Medical students that attend our university for generations to come!

Attend a Tutoring/Advising Session

Whether you have MCAT content questions, need help planning out a schedule, or advice to avoid burnout, we are here to help!
There will be three sessions of tutoring each week:
Chemistry and Physics: Sunday from 1 pm - 3 pm
Biology and Biochemistry: Tuesday from 11 am - 1 pm
CARS and Psychology/Sociology: Thursday from 1 pm - 3 pm
In order to attend these sessions, you must always fill out our google form 24 hours prior to the start of the session you would like to attend. If you would like help on subjects that are on separate tutoring session days (i.e. Chemistry and Biology), check the boxes for those subjects on the form and feel free to attend multiple sessions to match the subjects you selected. If you would like to attend an advising session, you can attend any of the sessions listed above.
After you fill out the google form, you will receive an email with the links to the respective tutoring sessions.
Link to sign up for a session: Google Form

Meet the tutors

Nisheka Vanjani (MCB Honors Major, Chemistry Minor)
Saakshi Pothina (MCB Major, Psychology Minor)
Nicki Cast (MCB Honors Major, Psychology Minor)
Aayush Kaul (MCB Major)
Arch Topouzian (MCB Major, Chemistry Minor)
Vijay Nellutla (MCB Honors Major)
For any more questions please feel free to contact us at !